
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Nothing leads so straight to futility as literary ambitions without systematic knowledge."
H.G. Wells

If a book is not alive in the writer's mind, it is as dead as year-old horse-shit."

No, it's not a very good story—its author was too busy listening to other voices to listen as closely as he should have to the one coming from inside."
Stephen King

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


           Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Calcium, Nitrogen atoms; billions upon billions making up you, and me. A genetic cocktail from one parent mixed with another. Without the sexual process we are nothing; even our body pushes us to do it, it wants sex. But really, what stops us from doing it? There are actually hundreds of reasons and probably more than that. Our minds are the key to the lock, but in reality, it is actually the lock as well.
Unlock the brain through emotion, not sex.
            I'm not talking about people who are trying to have one night stands, or who are trying to hook up with a friend that can't get any. I'm talking about the young couple, or the ones who are shy to be sexual. They think the person they're with wont accept their body for what it is, it's quite wrong. If they are with them, they accept every aspect of this person, if they don't, they are obviously distant, and probably not even sure why they are with them. Sex is not as important as the relationship it self, it’s an aspect, a fun thing to do, and it has beneficial things linked to it.
Learn your stuff already.
            When we are subservient, wanting the process to the height of insanity is when all chemical and brain function is in order. Think about it, I mean, really think about it, if one thing is wrong, it could eventually turn into someone leaving unsatisfied. One third of the female population under 25 can’t even find their own G-Spot, that means 100% of those women who can’t find it, can rarely orgasm. Along those lines, pelvic floor muscles are vital; if a girl has a "good" pelvic floor she will have twice as many orgasms as normal. 90% of girls in a study of a thousand said, "Our orgasm problems are psychological in nature." In the same study, we found out that men know more about the female nether regions than women, 75% of guys knew where their female partner’s spots are, while 70% of a 1000 women mostly knew. What does this all mean? It means, learn your bodies, explore like it’s a new world, and don’t be scared. We only have one life to live, live it to its fullest means, do it all. If a girl is scared, nervous, it ultimately means she won’t get off; chemicals will be blocked from being sent to the brain. So learn their bodies, especially if your interest is your partner’s happiness. Just like an exam, you want to do your best on it, so study hard.
Put your lady on a horse now if you want her pelvic floor muscles huge.
          What if her mind wants it, but she can't because of a promise? It's quite simple; you make your love more important; that you're not just an object of her pleasure, but something more concrete. Something that is there, someone she has a connection to emotionally. It eternally brings you closer; I'm not saying to not do anything sexual, that's the opposite of what I mean. Sexual things can make you even closer, more trusting, a loving connection builds, but when sex is the only thing in the relationship it's bad.
Don't have her fake it, 65% of women resort to "FAKING ORGASMS"
          You don’t have to do what Will Ferrell did in “Wedding Crashers” and go full out to have sex. Be gracious, a gentleman, and a caring person to her; women love charge, but they also love when a guy knows how to be sweet, and more than just a guy, but someone there for them. “Funerals are insane, the chicks are so horny, it’s not even fair, it’s like fishing with dynamite.” Don’t deceive them in their most vulnerable times; One I don’t even want to know how you found that out and two that’s just immoral even if it is true. You don’t have to use emotion and heartache to get women, just be you’re self. You don’t have to be Will Ferrell and say this   “Grief is nature's most powerful aphrodisiac.” Don’t use it against them.
          So...Sex...Or no sex, it isn't important. What does matter is the relationship you build with one another. Consisting of love, trust, and happiness; the path that eternally leads to a life full of experiences and good times. Peer pressure is dumb, take what you learn from your own life, and everything will work out for you in the end.
Did you please your lady tonight?

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