
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Nothing leads so straight to futility as literary ambitions without systematic knowledge."
H.G. Wells

If a book is not alive in the writer's mind, it is as dead as year-old horse-shit."

No, it's not a very good story—its author was too busy listening to other voices to listen as closely as he should have to the one coming from inside."
Stephen King

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fortune Cookie?

            Who doesn’t love to open up a fortune cookie and see those, words of wisdom? If you don’t, then I’m quite sure you’re inept to anything awesome happening to you. As soon as I open one, I’m just waiting for some ninja dressed in black to come around the corner, pull his mask down, and say something amazing that I hear only five seconds after he stops talking; like in every amazingly dubbed Chinese martial arts movie. I want to stand there in awe, eyes wide, and mouth open. “Kid? That’s your fortune for today, so no going down a sidewalk, or the snake in your pants you’ve been bragging about for the past week, loses its skin.” Then I’ll usually just stand there, mumble under my breath, “How does he know???” Ehh, whatever, sounds better in my head, but my point is, fortune cookies, they have great abilities, and they can leave you feeling all warm inside.
OMG!...Wait I thought you were bringing me my fortune?
            Like a picture on a wall, it can give you limitless amounts of words, why can’t a fortune cookie give you limitless amounts of images? It’s a valid point, I mean, my fortune cookie idea gives me just one, but within that one idea I could have hundreds of smaller ones. Plus a fortune cookie is like a soldier, it dies for the greater good, well sort of dies, but it gives off a good feeling to the one reading the little piece of paper.
            I like to imagine the fortune cookie as a small happy pill you take every time you’re feeling bad. Sure they give them off at the end of the meal at a restaurant, but that’s so it gives off good vibes to all the poorly cooked food you just ate. No, I am kidding, but seriously, they have magical powers. If something like a few words can make you happy, make you realize new and exciting things. Isn’t that a great thing? Think of it like the pill from that movie “Limitless.” It unlocks more potential in his mind, he is essentially a super genius, well the fortune cookie isn’t that amazing, but still; It is probably half of that and it doesn’t cost $800 each.
All you needed where fortune cookies Bradley Cooper
            Anyway you look at them: dumb, smart, genius idea. They all have a purpose, even if there for the businesses last resort of keeping customers, or a persons search for true wisdom. They can be a pick me up when you’re down, and a light in a tunnel while your lost.
"I knew it all along, Honey, look what I found....PROOF!"
10. "Good sense is the master of human life."
9. "You are free to invent your life."
8. "You are magnetic in your bearing."
7. "Face facts with dignity."
6. "The night life is for you."
5. "There is a true and sincere friendship between you both."
4. "Your family is young, gifted and attractive."
3. "You are going to have some new clothes."
2. "Your smile will tell you what makes you feel good.
1. "You will find a bushel of money."
Here is the top ten list from:
        So either way, if you are looking for a good laugh, a dream of some kind, or something more, the fortune you seek is in another cookie. Keep looking and some day that fortune will be yours.
Damn! Wrong cookie

What we are Taught

           We never stop learning; every day we learn, taking in new knowledge, and new experiences. It is part of human nature to be intrigued - even obliged- to find the truth in everything that surrounds us. As infants we begin to learn on our own; parents are lucky to witness the first time we speak or walk; are they even sure that it is our first time doing these things? Can they be there for everything important we do in our lives? I am skeptical of others reactions to growing older, if they keep learning? But Even though I am not in the prime of my life, or close to my end, I am sure I will always learn something new for one reason: the world is always changing.
            Walking outside, you see differences in the weather, the lawn; maybe the street has a new layer of asphalt. These little things that surround you, you see, but others may not. They don’t have to be big or small, but they still impact you in a way that keeps you tuned into your environment. Store them away in your mind and take mental notes when you come into contact with these things later on.
            Being taught by your heart is not easy, the first and last to teach us is ourselves. We know these things best of all because we believe in them completely. We learn best when we experience them for ourselves, not by hearing about them. But to go out and search for what we are passionate about. They turn into guidelines for us to follow in our life and keep us on the straight and narrow, using these things not only for ourselves, but a code for friends or loved ones. To tell someone you know it by heart means you believe it to its fullest, this is one way we all learn.
            Growing up, I didn’t really know empathy, sympathy, or compassion for that matter. I was a bit of a terror, running around my neighborhood covered in mud from head to toe. My brothers would be far ahead of me as I would scoop handfuls of mud off me to throw at them. At the end of the battle there would be lots of yelling from our mother as she sprayed the mud off, but after a few times of this we would start to leave the conversation with a few jokes and laughter; not to end the battle or repress the memory, but to learn from it. That is one way I learned what is right and wrong, how to feel compassion, sympathy, and empathy for that other person.
            As we approach death I can’t say if we learn from past events or what we need to know before we go. Which makes me wonder about ghosts: If they don’t pass on, is it because they didn’t learn from the past? How would we learn something at the end of our lives when we think we know everything there is? Certainly not everything in the world, but all the wisdom we need, or think we need. I can’t tell you from experience if it is true that we learn in the midst of death, but in stories we do.
Jack Nicholson said it best in a movie called, “Bucket List.” “The minute that you're not learning I believe you're dead.” Throughout the movie, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson both learn from the things they’re most scared of; death. But Jack’s huge wealth shows Morgan that money wasn’t what he always wanted or needed, and Jack learns that running from your family and past doesn’t solve anything. The movie shows that, at the end of our lives, when the curtains are about to close and things seem darker than ever, we can still learn what we need to know.

911 Essay Revised

Explosions in each tower leave hundreds helpless inside; many more scream from the ground as the cloudless September sky fills with a gray mist of debris. Up above, people look down towards the pavement as the ever embracing thoughts fill their minds, pulling them closer to the edge, each thought getting louder and louder. There is nothing we can do; nothing can stop this horrible attack. We are forced to watch on the sideline and capture each smell, sound, and sight that hits us: The crunching and breaking of bones as bodies begin raining from the skies; the smell of the disintegrating towers and burning flesh. The concrete and steel pillars begin to collapse, on the entire frame; massive amounts of power and weight build behind them, as they turn into a horror by themselves. Causing people to run and flee, to get out unharmed, but some are unlucky enough to move out of its path only to be crushed by rubble falling onto onlookers below.

This day marks a hole in many people’s hearts. We didn’t ask for this; we didn’t even suspect it. There was an attack made on the towers. In 1993, there was a car bomb in the basement of one of the towers, which was later found out to be caused by Al-Qaeda. But how could we ever predict such a catastrophic attack as this?
The answer lies not only on our armed forces and spies, but with our government. Our security depends on a network of allies and other countries established by years of amity and bloodshed. In our eyes, the World Trade Center was causing no harm, but good. To the newly-blacklisted terrorists called Al-Qaeda, it was a problem. It went against their beliefs, their ideology; even their religion called it an abomination. So why to this day do we still have people calling this attack on such a prodigious building a hoax?
                The media began explaining the attacks almost immediately, but like a newly-formed virus, people began to think up their own ideas. At first, few would believe their rants; their newly-built websites spilling out their babble of a world full of crime and anarchy in America would not attract many to their side. But in America, we have the power of free speech; we can use these tactics as vise grips to get what we want. Even sending a phony complaint letter to a company will get us free things.
                But a rant and rave about the government staging a plot to destroy the Twin Towers: what would that achieve? They certainly wouldn’t get free money from them; in retrospect, shouldn’t they be called a heretic, even stamped as an anarchist?
                The internet is plastered with websites claiming to uncover hoaxes, corruption, and crime.  Most are portraying something that is not there, something that just one man sees. It seems harmless.
But in the time of need that man pulls our eyes from the truth, and shows us blasphemy. How can anyone know the truth? In a world full of liars, do-gooders, and con-men, how do we know what’s right and wrong? It's simple; we don't.
                We perceive what is right and wrong by our beliefs; we stand up for what we believe is right, and we most certainly don’t change our beliefs; we worship them. We put our own ideas down as facts, rather than opinion. We insist that the Towers were taken down by our own leaders, the leaders who are put there to defend us, to honor their people, and to show no sign of weakness in the face of danger. It just seems wrong. You don’t demoralize your own country to get fame, let alone boost your reputation.
                Conspiracy theorists must have evidence backing up their findings-not just suspicions, but real documentation of a government scandal. I understand everyone has a right to free speech, but when those lines start to merge, and the adverse effects of these ideas cause more harm than good, shouldn’t there be a boundary? Life is a fragile thing; we lose someone dear to us and we never forget them. We store our memories, ideas, even our love for them in our hearts; like a burden, we carry this for the rest of our lives. Should one person or small group be allowed to change everything, turning this tidal wave of doubt against a nation that has already experienced enough pain?
                The theories that spilled out of this disaster, begin with inside traders knowing about attacks before they happened, going so far as to say that Bin Laden was trying to not only destroy the twin towers, but to make money off it, too: a kill two birds with one stone scenario. Another theory that sprung up was a picture of the towers stating that the plane isn’t causing the explosion, but the huge mass of fire underneath it was a bomb. If that were the cause, wouldn’t that mean our country’s leaders planned this all along? How could so many government officials keep this secret?
                The hundreds of pictures and theories that spring from any major catastrophe doesn’t really show anything but that maybe our imaginations can come up with great ideas. Take the theories that came from Princess Diana’s death; they didn’t even come up for years after, and it never brought any explanation to the surface.
                To go through life breaking barriers and pushing people further away is not a future foreseen by our founding fathers. To state that our government is at fault for the death of your husband, wife, or even your children won’t bring the people together; it won’t solve anything. These accusations need to end before they tear America apart. Eric Allenbaugh stated it perfectly when he said, “Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us - and those around us - more effectively. Look for the learning.” We need to stop pointing fingers and accept that this disaster happened. It isn’t anyone’s fault, and no one could have prevented it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

"Almighty Dollar"

          It has more importance than just paper, it is not just an art piece, but at one point it had gold behind it, turning it into a solid piece of currency. If time could speak, it would tell the world that this little piece of paper has a virtue, a second meaning, and that everyone who has ever lived with it, has been searching for it. We pray on it, we use our time to get it, and we lose more money in hopes to buy it; the lottery, which odds are, you won’t win.
            We strive for it, but at what costs? There are no costs, because it is the way we live, without it we are nothing, and with it we are still nothing. It is paper, no greater than any other piece of paper, and no more important than the dirt on the ground. But when we add a system behind it, put our belief into it, and follow a code; it is not just paper, but how we live.
            You know it is more than just paper when people fight over it; they rob businesses, people, and anyone with it to stay alive. We are most vulnerable when we have nothing else to live for; this piece of paper has become more important than you, and me. One fifth of the nation’s children under 18 are living in poverty. That could be a friend, a loved one, a child like you see everyday, but never take the time to know.
             It shows up in movies, take platoon for instance, "Everybody know the poor are always being f***** over by the rich. Always have, always will." –Junior. It shows the importance of our military, their sacrifices for their country, how they will take the greatest risk of all for the greater good; even if that means they will be poor and used. They will hold the weight on them. Another war movie that shows its true emotion towards a soldiers life is First Blood, "Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job PARKING CARS!" –John Rambo. They get important missions, objectives, equipment has no price tag to them, but in America, life is ultimately cut short to their old ways. They soon have to rely on new tactics, which is no easy thing to anyone, especially a combat soldier.   
Can't we all just get along?
            Our countries super rich, less than 0.001% control more than 150 million people combined. Meaning, 400 people have more money than that many people, an absurd number, what can they do with that amount of money by themselves? Why don’t they make some charitable donations to needy facilities, or families struggling?
            It’s simple question, when you grow up in a tight knit family that has everything it needs to prosper and grow, you don’t realize the people below you fighting for survival. Yes, this might not be true of every super rich person, there are sympathetic and loving people, Bill Gates showed his compassion by giving off most of his money. But these people don’t realize the significance of their wealth because they’ve had it all their life. They don’t see it as a large desire; it’s a normal thing, like having running water in your house, or enough money for groceries. If one person could enlighten their view, not show numbers on a graph, or even pictures on a billboard, but to throw them in the situation where they see it eye to eye.
            I envy that show, “Secret Millionaire.” It is a genius idea and it really does have an impact, even if the difference is small; a difference is a difference, no matter how big or small. They really show the rich what is happening behind closed doors, it enlightens them to a life secret to them, and rarely scene. But in the most basic of ideas, money is the biggest thing we fight for, it is easy to make, but hard to get. If I could wish for one thing, it would be the distribution of wealth, but it wouldn’t make America what it is today; a melting pot of many cultures and nationalities. It is a fighting arena, but when you are at the top, you make the decisions; you get the limitless power that everyone envies, and eventually strives for.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


           Do you have a dream? Something you hope for? Wish was yours? If you do, why don’t you reach out and grab it, take it for yourself. We have millions of excuses, but we never have a reason why we have excuses. If we aspired to be great, to take out the bull crap, and go for the gold, wouldn’t we have a greater existence? But we don’t, people could be so much more, we have so much potential, but over the years life has gained more entertainment, media has taken over our lives, and we have no shut off button for this. This has lead to a gap in our time being spent studying, doing school work, and paying attention. Is it bad? No, only in excess amounts, but the reality of the situation is, life has many road blocks, and we need to have more control in order to live greater.
            If motivation is the problem, there are drugs for that… NO, there are, but it’s never a permanent thing, it will never have the same effect forever, and it will always have an adverse effect. What someone needs is a valuable asset on their side, someone to push them to do great. Think about the marines, they have a higher ranked officer yelling at them all day to do better, to be all they can be, and to never back down. If someone was there for you in normal day life you could be at the top of your class.
            So don’t aspire to be great, aspire to have a friend, family member, even a girlfriend/boyfriend to motivate you to be all you can be. Don’t be afraid to ask, people are sympathetic creatures, they understand when someone is down and lonely, when times are rough and uncertain. People generally want to help someone, even if its a hedonistic view or a generous act of kindness, it isn’t looked down upon, its raised above, and pulls people closer together.
            Take their words kindly, know it’s a trusting act, and they just want help. Aspirations are unique, common, and even rare sometimes. Take the step brothers movie into question, Dr. Doback says, “When I was a kid, when I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a dinosaur, I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex more than anything in the world, I made my arms short and I roamed the back yard, I chased the neighborhood cats, I growled and I roared, everybody knew me and was afraid of me, and one day my dad said "Bobby, you are 17, it's time to throw childish things aside" and I said "OK Pop", but he didn't really say that, he said "Stop being a fucking dinosaur and get a job".
RAWR Im a Dinosuar!!!
            Crazy things can bring solace in someone’s life, even if it’s starting up an international music corporation, and calling it Prestige Worldwide makes you feel better, than go for broke. But improbable things, how do you go for those, how could you be a dinosaur? You can’t, but you learn to cope with the idea, you learn that letting your dinosaur go is okay, but never forget your inner dinosaur.
            I wanted to have the ability to teleport like Hayden Christiansen in Jumper, but I understand that will never happen. It would be pretty awesome though, but I’m okay with that fact, and I wont ever forget my inner dinosaur and jumper for they will always be with me.

Mac Miller - The Spins

       The song caught me off guard recently, it isn't very new, but I've stumbled across it. At first it's not even the lyrics that hit you, just the euphoric feeling of the beat taking over your body. I think the lyrics have a great impact on your mind and body, but you have to have a background or at least something that pertains to what the song means.
Dope shit like that
Welcome back to Kids

Ummmm..?? Follow your dreams

Wanna Get A Mansion
A jacuzzi A theater to watch my movies
A couple whips and lots of fancy things
The Kids they call the Goonies
Ah! see the future the crystal ball
Mirror Mirror hangin on the wall
Who the flyest white boy a dem all?
Got your girlfriend screenin all da calls

She Bubbalin
we f***in
then you cuttalin
Like baby where da f**k ya been?
Dont wanna tell you she in love with him
So! So! we, aint sayin nothing
You could probably tell she bluffin
Cuz she kiss you with the mouth
She gave me head with my concussion

Yeah she blushin
All Red
Wanna Rush and go to bed
You interrogate that bitch like you'd da Feds
So she says
She in love with a rock-star. rock-star
Wanna Smoke my weed
So She asks me where the tops are. Tops are

Ohhh! - Top Drawer haha
Ohhh! - Yeah!
Only I need you! AHAA!
I'm Low
I'm Low
Just some motha F**kin Kids!

Ohhh! = Get Money F*** B****
Only I need You!
I'm Low - Yeah!
I'm Low - Pittsburgh!

Hey Germ! Hey
These hoes is drunk
Wanna come and smoke this blunt
Then let me take'em home
And do anything i want
I say baby I can Ride ya
Just let me get inside ya
I can take you higher if you hit this vaporiza! (Swoooo(Inhale))

I got dat dope dig
I'll be your supplier
You grabbin on my sheets
and hittin notes like you Maria

Obsessed with me
Wanna dress a freak on Ecstasy
I'm Out and then she textin me
Like.. what you doin next week. next week

Hear me now!
I'm down on knees and praying
Though my faith is weak
Without you so please baby please
Give us a chance
Make amends and I will stand up till the end
A million times of drillion hearts - Hey! Hey!

Ohhh! - (Swooo Inhale)
Ohhh! - Kids (Kids) What Up!
Only I need You! - I'm high as fuck
Fly - Yessir
I'm Low - I Graduated
I'm Low - Oh yeah I just Graduated High school! AHAA!

Hey Homie!
Dont be mad that your girl loves me
It's not my fault
Im just doin me
The girl love me let her love me
Ya feel me?

So baby.
Baby dont cry
I want you to fly
You by my side
        The song basically means everything he says straight out, but you perceive the song by your experiences, and it gets better with whom ever has experiences relating to the song. Its quite sad, but I feel the song is better when I think my girlfriend has a boyfriend, and shes cheating on him with me. Saying I'm better than him in every way, and she loves me. I know, I'm an odd child, but "ehh" I'm sure there's weirder people than me. I like to pretend that I am the better choice, it makes the song have a greater importance, almost like people are behind me chanting my name, "Yeah your the best." but of course its a crowd of all women and I'm on stage, then my girlfriend floats on the crowd, and comes up on stage standing next to me and kisses me.
I have added a URL to the song, its quite amazing. I added it to a skate video to present it in the best possible view.
Mac Miller - The Spins

Wisdom Teeth

On Thursday March 3rd, I had the pleasure of going to the dentist and having one of the most entertaining and exciting surgeries of my life; well, I hope it’s the most exciting. The whole event is a very vivid and surreal. For one I did not know what I was in for; I don’t think anyone imagines the outcome of surgery. They’re just trying to get through the beginning.
The dentist either tells you to count backwards from 10 or constantly asks, “Can you feel this?” Everyone has his own preconceptions of what a dentist is, or what they’re like. I am here to say, this dentist does not follow along those lines at all. He was a 60-year-old man, very sweet and caring. He really wants the best for his patients, always greeting you with a smile, and shaking your hand. I felt gracious and thankful to have such a great dentist on this fateful day.
                The first thing that happened when the nurse called my name was an attack of slight jitters; my nerves were okay because I’ve had surgery before. The nurse had little side notes to entertain me, even funny stories to take the seriousness off the moment. Although sitting down in the golden-yellow dentist chair was comforting, a little too comforting for my taste; mostly because I should be on edge, but her caring nature had melted any horrific images I had implanted in my brain before. I felt even more at ease when I told her, “I think I’ll stick to just the gas.” She smiled, raising her eyebrow as if to ask if I was sure. I was certain. I have been uneasy about being asleep while people are doing things to me. It is just not my cup of tea. Putting the mask over my nose was very strange and new, but the gas that I started to inhale made me care less and less.
                By the time the dentist came in I had no idea where I was; it was in between on a cloud and half alive. My mental state had slipped, and I didn’t know how to greet him; I settled on sort of a half smile mixed with a, “hey?” He laughed, and then told me what operation I was going to be having today. I nodded at anything and everything.
 Soon the operation was underway and they began to inject the numbing solution into my gums. I did not notice much of anything; the pain was moderate, but soon I felt nothing, not even knowing if my mouth was open or not. I put on headphones to drown out any horrific sounds I might hear, but to my surprise there wasn’t much to hear except the, Smashing Pumpkins singing about not caring. I felt it was a perfect fit. The jarring of my head was moderate as well, from side to side and a little forceful. The only point where it got unbearable was when he pulled out the drill on my top left tooth. He exclaimed to me that I had an impacted tooth, but this knowledge had slipped my mind. I was now drowned in songs by Everclear.
                After he was done, I muttered obscure words to him, and finally shook his hand, but this time to thank him. He had my mother come in to see me, and he told her I was the toughest patient he’s had, a real trooper. I laughed, which killed me. The jitters by this time had completely subsided. I was thrilled, but that was probably the gas.
The ride back began like any other day of being picked up from school: questions upon questions. I tried to talk to the best of my ability; my mom would catch a few words here and there, but never the whole thing. I felt incredibly frustrated with my scenario; knowing I would be like this for some time greatly impacted my thinking. I felt anxiety, but I shouldn’t have; I had the next day off, then the weekend. It hit me harder and harder. The desire to yell became unbearable, an attention-breaker, anything, but I did nothing. The gas had worn off and a feeling of frustration and anger hit me. I was a completely different person than I had been earlier that morning; I had four teeth missing and a desperate desire to fix things that I had no way of fixing. I looked over at my mom and said one clear sentence: “This Sucks!”

Inevitable Ending (made in an hour)

That one millisecond in time, where life flashes before their eyes, the look of horror plasters on their face, and they know, that every inch of their body is screaming, “MOVE!” but they cant. It’s a crumb, but to its importance, it is the gravity to the earth; without it, we would be lost. In this case, the person who is in this impending doom has nothing short of a second to react before his whole world comes crashing to an end.
            An entrepreneur from the start, Allen Gainesberry was a normal man. A good life, a loving family, and a hefty paycheck every week. His Job would rake in around 6 figures every year, leaving his wife and two children a luxurious life. But there was always something missing from his world, he felt tied down, loss of interest at home was apparent, and everything seemed dull. He felt the last fifteen years of his life were just an ever ending re-run of, “Married with Children.” Where nothing ever really happens, it just keeps going and going.
            A sudden lay off at work had kept Allen on edge, every little action was spotted by him, counting steps of coworkers walking passed his office was an obvious sign of anxiety. It was debilitating, almost to the point of ripping his hair out, and, leaving the office immediately. The second sign came on later at a press meeting; faculty and employees who worked under him soon became much more important in his eyes. He felt apprehension, nerves at an all time high; he didn’t understand what was happening to him. Dark violet circles would blotch out his vision for a few seconds leaving him light headed. Everyone in the room seemed to be magnetized to his every move; even he noticed the looks. He tried to ignore the incessant eye movements towards him, but found himself darting his face back up just to try and catch a glance.
            His hands were the first to go in that room, constant tremors would shake his fingers to an almost ridiculous degree; his almost perfect handwriting became disfigured and almost unreadable. People stared at this motion the most, it wasn’t a concern, but it was terrifying to a few, and others just repressed any notion something was wrong. Allen was a quiet man, not shy, just laid back, and let things work themselves out. At this moment he was scared out of his mind, he knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what to do.
            Soon he would be standing up to say his report on profits; the simple thought of standing up was a crushing blow, and this once proud and courageous man was feeling trepidation towards any movement. Knots built up in his stomach, pain shot through his body as cramps drove him wild. He counted the time in his head, “Fifty-Three…Fifty-Four…Fifty-Five…Roberts done…Fuck.” The crowd in the room became quiet; all eyes were on him as they waited for any sign of movement. Anticipation was building, everyone was eager, and he knew he had to do something. Time was slowing down though; every second seemed like an hour. Eyes red, pupils dilated clothes messy and not showing their formal glory; he stood up, sweat spots were systematically pointed out by everyone, they would go from arm pits, to chest, back up to his face. His hair was all over the place, beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and rolled down to his jaw.
            He gave his award winning smile, but it came out like a nervous grin. Everyone chuckled and looked around like, “Is this guy serious?” It just got worse from there, his mind was on fire, and he literally felt like he was baking to death. It obviously showed on the outside, sweat stains, loosened tie, and unbuttoned shirt. This once prominent, flashy, and outstanding man had lost it. His blood was boiling as he said the first few lines, “This we-weeks qu-qua-quota was substantial-ly better than la-last weeks….” Everyone looked around, eyebrows raised in confusion, eyes wide. Ryan was the first to stand and say something, “Umm…You okay Allen? Do you need a drink?” Laughter was the first thing to come up, another man spoke, “Come on Al, your pulling our leg aren’t you?” Then another “Yeah this guys a jokester, bumbling idiot, yeah right.”
            A crimson red face full of embarrassment and anger shot onto Allen’s already sweaty one. His vision blurry, body fully shaking, he did what any man who lost it would do. He ripped off his shirt, pulled off his tie and yelled, “FUCK THIS!” Jumping onto the table, he walked straight over to the two men who made him feel the worst and just said, “You know what? I am joking.” Then preceded by kicking the first guy, as hard as he, instantly breaking a few ribs, and sending him flying out of his chair into sheet rock behind him. The man next to him raised his hands, “Whoa! Man we were just kidding, look what you did to Brad?” Taking a second glance to his left, Allen noticed a man lodged ass first into a wall, and began to laugh maniacally. No one moved; they were frozen with fear of the same thing happening to them. Allen looked down at his shoe, it actually punctured Brad’s chest; leaving small remnants of blood and fragments of bone. A grin plastered to his face, he looked back up to the man. They were long time coworkers, some-what good friends, but hatred masked this mans face, and made him an enemy. “Is anyone laughing now?” The trembling coworker couldn’t find the words to speak, uncontrollable tears rolled down his face,
 “Nnnn...Nnn…No… Na..No-one…issss…la-laughing Allen…bu-but…you.” 
“That’s what I thought.”
            Before he could say anything, Allen grabbed him by the collar pulling him up onto the table. The man lied there, sobbing, “Noooooo…P-pa-please…Allen!” Standing above him, laughing even louder now, “Sorry that’s not going to cut it.” He leaped into the air, letting all of his weight come crashing down onto the man’s chest. The table broke in half leaving everyone frantic, and even more confused at what they just saw.
Allen rose from the man, white shirt and face speckled with blood; looking around he saw dots masking their faces, and that’s when one person dressed in all black ran from the room.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Allen yelled. People looked around, but didn’t move like the other person. Fear over came any ideas of leaving, and Allen was in a state of complete senility without the age. A clear objective was on his horizon now as he ran after this person. He didn’t get a good view of them, or any clue to whom it was, but he was motivated. Coming around the cubicles, still in plain sight, he ran faster, but still at the same pace as the other man.
Only getting around a bend and seeing just a small visible amount of them did he know where they were going. “There’s no point in running! I’m going to get you!” He yelled. It was hopeless though, the person was just as motivated as him. Coming to the emergency exit doors, he frantically opened it, seeing the person just on the floor below him. He rushed after them, this time throwing anything in his pockets at them, pens, quarters, even his wallet. He lost it, everything in his mind that he once cared for was distant, non existent, hatred filled these spots.
At the entrance doors he didn’t even stop, jumping straight through the two glass doors. Glass sliced, his skin, even sticking into his body. Adrenaline took away the pain though, he pushed onward. Only looking down when he noticed a lot of blood, he saw a large 6-inch piece of glass stuck in his thigh. He brushed it off, paying closer attention to his objective.
The man dressed in all black was now hunched over in the middle of the street trying to catch his breath; he was facing the opposite direction still. Allen was blind to his face and identity, but he didn’t care. He ran as fast as he could, blood dotting the ground behind him, he came right up behind the man leaping towards him. Time slowed down again, the man stood back up, but this time he turned around, and looked at Allen. The grin and once anger filled face of a loving husband and father turned to confusion and dismay. His eyebrows once turned upwards at the corners eased back down, and the grin opened up slightly to let out, “What?”
 At that millisecond, Allen didn’t see the face of a coworker, he saw his face. As he crashed into the body of this person he closed his eyes, and wished it was a dream. He found himself not hitting a solid object; he opened them and realized he’s going straight through them. He quickly said, “What is wrong with me!” As he came through the body, a car hit him straight on, his body laid limp as he crashed through the windshield and died on impact.

911 Piece April 29th

                Explosions in each tower leave hundreds helpless inside; many more scream from the ground as the cloudless September sky fills with a gray mist of debris. Up above, people look down towards the pavement as the ever embracing thoughts that fill their minds pull them closer to the edge, each thought getting louder and louder. There is nothing we can do; nothing can stop this horrible attack. We are forced to watch on the sideline and capture each smell, sound, and sight that hits us: The crunching and breaking of bones as bodies raining from the skies; the smell of the disintegrating towers and burning flesh. The concrete and steel pillars begin to collapse, on the entire frame; massive amounts of power and weight build behind them, as they turn into a horror by themselves. Causing people to run and flee, to get out unharmed, but some are unlucky enough to move out of its path only to be crushed by rubble falling onto onlookers below.
                This day marks a hole in many people’s hearts. We didn’t ask for this; we didn’t even suspect it. There was an attack made on the towers. In 1993, there was a car bomb in the basement of one of the towers, which was later found out to be caused by Al-Qaeda. But how could we ever predict such a catastrophic attack as this?
The answer lies not only on our armed forces and spies, but with our government. Our security depends on a network of allies and other countries established by years of amity and bloodshed. In our eyes, the World Trade Center was causing no harm, but good. To the newly-blacklisted terrorists called Al-Qaeda, it was a problem. It went against their beliefs, their ideology; even their religion called it an abomination. So why to this day do we still have people calling this attack on such a prodigious building a hoax?
                The media began explaining the attacks almost immediately, but like a newly-formed virus, people began to think up their own ideas. At first, few would believe their rants; their newly-built websites spilling out their babble of a world full of crime and anarchy in America would not attract many to their side. But in America, we have the power of free speech; we can use these tactics as vise grips to get what we want. Even sending a phony complaint letter to a company will get us free things.
                But a rant and rave about the government staging a plot to destroy the Twin Towers: what would that achieve? They certainly wouldn’t get free money from them; in retrospect shouldn’t they be called a martyr, even stamped as an anarchist.
                The internet is plastered with websites claiming to uncover hoaxes, corruption, and crime.  Most are portraying something that is not there, something that just one man sees. It seems harmless.
But in the time of need that man pulls our eyes from the truth, and shows u blasphemy. How can anyone know the truth? In a world full of liars, do-gooders, and con-men how do we know what’s right and wrong? It's simple, we don't.
                We perceive what is right and wrong by our beliefs; we stand up for what we believe is right and we most certainly don’t change our beliefs; we worship them, we put our own ideas down as facts, rather than opinion. We insist that the Towers were taken down by our own leaders, the leaders who are put there to defend us, to honor their people, and to show no sign of weakness in the face of danger. It just seems wrong. You don’t demoralize your own country to get fame, let alone boost your reputation.
                Conspiracy theorists must have evidence backing up their findings-not just suspicions, but real documentation of a government scandal. I understand everyone has a right to free speech, but when those lines start to merge, and the adverse effects of these ideas cause more harm than good, shouldn’t there be a boundary? Life is a fragile thing, we lose someone dear to us and we never forget them. We store our memories, ideas, even our love for them in our hearts; like a burden, we carry this for the rest of our lives. Should one person or small group be allowed to change everything, turning this tidal wave of doubt against a nation that has already experienced enough pain?
                To go through life breaking barriers and pushing people farther away is not a future foreseen by our founding fathers. To state that our government is at fault for the death of your husband, wife, or even your children won’t bring the people together; it won’t solve anything. These accusations need to end before they tear America apart, Eric Allenbaugh stated it perfectly when he said, “Yes, there are times when something is legitimately not our fault. Blaming others, however, keeps us in a stuck state.” We need to stop pointing fingers and accept that this disaster happened. It isn’t anyone’s fault, and no one could have prevented it.